By visiting this website or using DragonDen Productions Services, including but not limited to our YouTube channel(s), Facebook page(s), Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, and Patreon as well as our DragonDen Productions Store via Teespring/Spring, you are accepting the policies and practices described in this Policy. Each time you visit DragonDen™ Produtions via any online presence, or use DragonDen™ Productions Services or platforms, you agree and expressly consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the information that you provide as described in this Policy. DragonDen™ Productions website, Services, YouTube channel(s) and Social Media platforms are not intended for or targeted to children. By using any DragonDen™ Productions platform you affirm you are not a minor and/or are of the age of consent in the area in which you live.

CONTACT VIA EMAIL: If you contact us via email, we will have your email address and any information you provide within the email. We may save this information for future use but are under no obligation to do so. Your IP address and browser user agent string may be used to help spam detection. Examples of Personal Information collected: version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie information, what sites or products you view, search terms, and how you interact with the Site, Service or Platform. The purpose of information collected includes, but may not be limited to loading the Site, Service or platform accurately and performing analytics on Site, Service or platform usage for optimization. This information may be collected automatically when you access our Site, Service or platform using cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, or pixels.

SUBMISSIONS TO DRAGONDEN™ PRODUCTIONS: If, whether at our request or without request, you send submissions (for example contest entries, story ideas, comments etc.) or you send creative ideas, suggestions, proposals, plans, photographs, music or other materials, whether online, by email, by postal mail, or otherwise, you agree that we may, at any time, without restriction, edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate and otherwise use in any medium any content or correspondence that you provide to us. We are under no obligation to maintain any contents or correspondence in confidence, pay compensation for any contents or correspondence, or to respond to any contents, correspondence or submissions.

SOCIAL MEDIA: DragonDen™ Productions is not responsible for data or information collected by or from any Social Media platform including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ( X ), Tiktok, or any other platform not mentioned here. 

COOKIES: A cookie is a small amount of information that’s downloaded to your computer or device when you visit our Site. Businesses, including DragonDen™ Productions, use several different cookies, including function, performance, advertising, and social media or content cookies. Cookies make your browsing experience better by allowing a website to remember your actions. This can make re-entering information each time you return to the site unnecessary. Cookies also provide information on how people use a website, for instance whether it’s their first time visiting or if they are a frequent visitor. 

THIRD PARTY SITES: Third party sites accessed from DragonDen™ Productions website may collect data including Teespring/Spring which is our DragonDen™ Productions Store Partner. It is your responsibility to read and understand the policies of these sites. DragonDen™ Productions is in no way responsible for the policies of third party sites or the data they may collect from you. PLEASE READ THE DRAGONDEN™ PRODUCTIONS STORE TERMS & POLICIES FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Videos, articles, advertising or any other posts on this site or our social media accounts including but not limited to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ( X ), Tiktok and Patreon may include embedded content. Using this content is the same as visiting the site of the content. These third party websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account with the third party website. DragonDen™ Productions does not collect this data or use it in any way nor are we responsible in any way for the data collected by third party sites.

CONTESTS, SPECIAL DISCOUNTS, GIVEAWAYS – AKA SPECIAL EVENTS: DragonDen™ Productions may require certain information in the case of contests, giveaways and special discount codes for merchandise purchased through our DragonDen™ Productions store at Teespring/Spring. If you choose to participate in a SPECIAL EVENT and provide the information necessary for participation it is at your risk and responsibility. This data will only be use for the period of the Event for which the information is provided (e.g., the timespan of the contest, discount, or giveaway). This information will not be used for any other event or purpose apart from record keeping including tax purposes and the nullification of previous winners from future contests and giveaways for a period of time to be named in the SPECIAL EVENT. We will disclose any winners of SPECIAL EVENTS in the manner they request, be it internet handle, name, nickname, or as anonymous. More information regarding DragonDen™ Productions Affiliates, Sponsors and Partners and policy related to them is available on the AFFILIATE/SPONSOR/PARTNERSHIP DISCLAIMER at the bottom of every page of this website.

THIRD PARTY SPONSORED PROMOTIONS:   DragonDen™ Productions may operate sweepstakes, contests, raffles, and similar promotions (AKA PROMOTIONS) jointly sponsored or offered by third parties that may require submitting personal information. If you choose to participate in a Promotion, your personal information may be disclosed to third parties as described in the terms applicable to that Promotion. It is your choice whether to provide the information necessary for participation and all information provided is at your risk and your responsibility.  See THIRD PARTY SITES above for more information. Insofar as the terms applicable to a particular Promotion conflict with this Privacy Policy, the terms applicable to the Promotion shall supersede.


If you send an email to DragonDen™ Productions or send us any information other than for a Special event, the content and its metadata may be retained indefinitely. This is so we can provide any follow-up comments or exchange information as necessary.


If you have emailed DragonDen™ Productions, or have left comments or content of any kind, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes. WE DO NOT SELL DATA. PERIOD.


If you are visiting DragonDen™ Productions website, YouTube channel(s), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ( X ), Tiktok, Patreon or any other public media platform from outside the United States, please be aware that any information we obtain about you will be processed in the United States or in other jurisdictions. By using DragonDen™ Productions media platforms, you acknowledge your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, jurisdictions outside your own, as described in this Privacy Policy. Please be aware that the data protection laws and regulations that apply to your personal information transferred to the United States or other countries may be different from the laws in your country of residence.

GDPR: If you are a resident of the EEA, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us via the CONTACT US button available on every page of this website.

CCPA:   If you are a resident of California, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you (known as the ‘Right to Know’) and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us via the CONTACT US button available on every page of this website.

COPPA: DragonDen™ Productions, it’s website, its YouTube Channel(s), its store at via Teespring/Spring, its Social Media accounts and platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ( X ), Tiktok and any others not listed here and DragonDen™ Productions affiliation with Patreon if any are not intended to be used by or targeted to children. By using any DragonDen™ Productions platform you affirm you are not a minor and/or are of the age of consent in the area in which you live. If you feel your child has accessed DragonDen™ Productions public media or other platforms and has given personal information please contact us and we will work to remove this information.

Visitor emails and/or comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.



By using this Site, you signify your agreement to the terms of our Privacy Policy. DragonDen™ Productions may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Your continued use of the Site shall constitute your acceptance of any such new or revised privacy policy.  If at any point we decide to use personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will send any such person that we have information on an email notifying him/her of such changes and giving him/her the option as to whether to allow us to use such information in such different manner.  Without such consent, we will use personal information in accordance with the privacy policy under which it was collected.

We use RECAPTCHA to try and avoid spam.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy

or the practices of this website please contact 

DragonDen Productions™ at